New York State Reproductive Health Act: Cuomo Vows to Enact

RHA is about women?
RHA is about women?

2016 Presidential hopeful Andrew Cuomo has vowed to enact the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). This bill stipulates and implies the following:

  1. Contraception and abortion enacted as fundamental rights at any age without parental consent
  2. Excludes conscience protections for medical providers who refuse to refer for abortion and contraception thereby placing them at risk for charges of discrimination and accusations of human rights violations
  3. Deregulates abortion types and procedures
  4. Opens up abortion to include full-term pregnancy
  5. Dehumanizes the child in the womb thereby reducing penalties for domestic violence against pregnant women
  6. Removes from the penal code criminal liability for the physician should the woman die of abortion malpractice

If this law were the law of the land in PA in 2010 imprisoned abortionists like Gosnell who harm the public trust the medical community maintains may still have been practicing to this day.

Medical Clinicians Protest RHA
Medical Clinicians Protest RHA

Many medical providers are unhappy about this legislative overreach into the doctor/patient relationship. In an effort to give voice to the concerns ethical medical providers have regarding the RHA a medical clinician’s statement of ethics protesting the bill has been created. This statement will be used to educate the public as well as legislators regarding the inherent flaws of the RHA. The credible voice of the medical community must be heard in the court of public opinion. The RHA is not just bad for women, but it is bad for medicine too.

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